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Our Programmes

Further Education Through Horsemastership (FETH) Course

This is the course delivered at Fortune College.  Within this there are a number of pathways students can choose from, which focus on different areas of knowledge and skills.  Have a look below for more information on the options available.

Riding and Horse Care


Students can complete a range of internal qualifications, or work towards qualifications accredited by the

British Horse Society or Equestrian Qualifications GB Ltd.

Independent Living Skills

Fortune College students have the opportunity to learn transferrable skills through working with the horses. This may include travel skills, cooking, managing finances, self care and many other skills.  This is achieved through activities working with horses and external activities accessing the local community.

Literacy and Numeracy

Literacy and Numeracy is embedded throughout the FETH Course curriculum.  Each pathway is individual to the student so they may focus on learning functional skills for every day living, or may work towards an accredited NOCN qualification in mathematics or English from Entry Level 1 to Level 2. In addition to this individual 1:1 sessions and small group sessions are available.

Work Experience


We offer a wide range of work experience placements throughout our local area, including catering, child care, hospitality, retail, canine and equine. Placements are chosen by the student based on their career aspirations and areas of interest.

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Fortune College: part of the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy

Registered charity number: 1045352      Company number: 3031713

Tel: 01425 673297


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