Our students have life and career aspirations; they want to work, volunteer and contribute to their local area. Our course can make that happen. Surrounded by the peaceful New Forest, our horse-focused college offers an educational experience like no other.
The therapeutic benefits of horses have been well-documented. Our course centres around working with horses to educate and empower young people aged 16 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from across the UK and overseas.
Students who come to us find traditional education systems or classroom environments challenging. Many struggle to complete daily tasks or regulate their emotions. However, their interest in horses is a powerful motivator. Working with these emotionally aware animals inspires them to learn new skills and become independent, truly transforming their lives.
Students learn in an active and supportive setting in the New Forest. Over three years, our students are able to:
Achieve essential maths, English, and ICT qualifications at either a functional or GCSE level
Attain qualifications in vocational subjects
Gain independence
Create self-care routines
Improve their communication skills
Understand financial management
Benefit from positive social interactions
Learn the importance of community involvement
By learning these skills in a positive environment that taps into their interests, many students go on to work and live independently.
Our latest figures from 2019 show that 22% of students who complete our three-year Further Education Through Horsemastership (FETH) Course go into employment, compared to the 2022 – 2023 4.8% national average.
Some of the businesses and organisations our students work and volunteer for include:
Dog groomers
Charity shops
Under the Children and Families Act 2014, young people and their parents or carers have the right to name an Independent Specialist Provider (ISP) in their Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP). Fortune College is part of the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy (FCRT), listed in Section 41 as an ISP.
You may have received an application from a young person within your local catchment area to attend Fortune College and enrol on our FETH Course. As a local authority, you have a duty to consider the wishes of that young person and their parent(s) or carer(s) to name the college of their choice.
There are many different reasons why an individual might express an interest in learning outside their local area. The most common reasons we find students want to attend Fortune College are:
They are motivated by being around horses, and by enrolling on an equine course, they will fully engage in their education
Their learning needs and abilities are better suited to a practical environment
Their local colleges are unable to meet their needs or do not have a suitable course at their educational level
Local courses don’t support their career or learning aspirations
They struggle with social skills and independence at home; therefore, a residential setting is more fitting to their needs
Safeguarding reasons means they would be better suited to a specialist further education college away from their home environment
Places at Fortune College are usually fully funded by the student’s local authority. Funding can be split between education and social care.
It is your Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) or Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator’s (SENCO) responsibility to negotiate the payment split with social services, not the young person, their parent(s) or carer(s), or Fortune College.
Before funding is agreed upon, we conduct a free assessment to determine whether our FETH Course is right for an individual.
Right from the start, we want to be in touch with local authorities when a young person applies for the FETH Course. We find it is best for all parties to have that open communication channel. Reach out to our team today to discuss an individual’s application.